Refuse to be a Victim!

Pistol Training
Concealed Carry
Basic Pistol
I provide everything for the first class. Firearms, ammo, target, eye and ear protection.
You basically show up. Classes are kept small, taught like a private lesson. Class is anywhere from 4-5 hours, taught at my private outdoor range in Oak Glen.
After Basic
You bring your own equipment. I provide target. This class teaches all about malfunctions, accuracy, anticipation, and more. Prerequisite: Basic pistol class, shooting at least 100 rounds before class.
You MUST be comfortable with your firearm and have the basics down. Class is 3-4 hours.
Protector Academy
Come to the Range and work with Jean & Cindy, USCCA Certified Defensive Shooting Instructors and work through the shooting drills necessary for the USCCA Protector Academy.
Certificates will be issued upon completion of each level’s shooting drills. Stay tuned for more details coming soon. Class released Feb 2022.
Holster CCW Class
stay tuned for more details, coming soon.
Situational awareness and self defense skills. Neff at Corona Krav Maga teaches self defense part of class.
Cindy and I teach the situational awareness. Class is offered 1x per quarter or as needed.